Background & Preparation:
Back in 2009, Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc. broke ground on the construction of a world-class shooting park in Dalmatia, Pennsylvania. This facility, located about an hour north of Harrisburg, came to be known as Keystone Shooting Park (KSP). It opened its doors to the public in May of 2011.
Since that day, its Board of Directors has strived to maintain KSP as “a venue with standards far exceeding the norm, with technical innovations that allow our patrons and athletes an environment of excellence which fosters respect and love of their chosen sport.”
Keystone Shooting Park’s leadership team, in an effort to maintain the highest standards for the facility, turned to Abacus Sports Installations to upgrade KSP’s shooting platform surfacing.
The existing concrete walkways and platforms at KSP were standard, and common in most shooting facilities. However, KSP needed something that would set it apart from its competitors. Guided by Abacus’ surfacing expertise, KSP decided an outdoor running track system would meet or exceed all surfacing needs. The Olympic-style shotgun shooting sports taking place at KSP require athletes to be on their feet for long periods of time. A cushioned competition surface creates a noticeable impact on an athlete’s longevity and ultimately, performance.
KSP’s leadership decided to install Regupol America’s AG Running Track system. This top-of-the-line running track surface is what Usain Bolt broke the 100m dash record on in 2009. It’s still his preferred track surface today.
Not only does KSP’s Regupol AG perform effectively; its two-colored layout and custom logos provide a truly unique aesthetic. KSP proudly displays the “United States Grand Prix” and the logo of their sponsor: Baschieri & Pellagri – a world-renowned Italian ammunition supplier and innovator.
KSP also constructed a state-of-the-art media center and electronic scoreboard, and it’s now undoubtedly one of North America’s premier shooting complexes.
Once Regupol was selected, and its design agreed on, Abacus’ next challenge was to actually install the AG track system. The AG system is categorized as a flood & chip system. For flood & chip, wet polyurethane is “flooded” into the area where the track will ultimately be, and then rubber granules (or “chips”) are added to the wet urethane to complete the surface.
As is true with any outdoor construction project, the weather is a huge factor taken into consideration during install. Outdoor installation processes are easily hampered if it’s too cold, rainy, or dewy on the ground during mornings. Fortunately, KSP and Abacus timed this project perfectly and completed the entire shooting park surface in two weeks. This includes all walkways, shooting stations, and KSP’s podium area, where athletes receive their awards and pose for pictures.
The end result is a beautiful, functional, and resilient addition to Keystone Shooting Park. Its ownership couldn’t be happier with it. As an added bonus, KSP discovered (during its first tournament on the new surface) that Regupol AG helped dampen shotgun sounds significantly as well. We’re very proud of this installation, and we know that KSP is proud of the upgraded facility it’s now providing its pros and amateurs alike.