Parsippany High School

Preparation - Mercury Abatement:

Parsippany High School is located in northern New Jersey. The school serves almost 1,000 students and has numerous athletic clubs and teams. In every school, safety of students and faculty is a top priority. Unfortuantely, an unsafe situation arose in one of the auxiliary gymnasiums in Parsippany High School.

An older gym floor had a known mercury presence, which caused concern for both school officials and parents. PHS decided it was time to remove this old floor and make their auxiliary gym safe and usable for students again. Abacus Sports took the job to remove the old flooring and install new Tarkett sports vinyl flooring.

Abacus began removing the existing floor while adhering to strict HAZMAT procedures. This process is mercury abatement. The extent of this included full containment procedures, air space monitoring, and the disposal of the old floor in a specialized waste container. We outlined this abatement process in the photos to the right.

Parsippany High School
Parsippany High School


When the contaminated floor was removed, Abacus poured a half inch of self-leveling underlayment to provide a smooth surface to install the gym flooring on. Parsippany chose vinyl sports flooring. We installed a Tarkett Omnisports HPL flooring system with a Tarkolay Slip Sheet. HPL, or High Point Load, allows the floor to withstand larger amounts of pressure and weight.

A sports vinyl floor was perfect for PHS. They got the maple wood grain look they wanted their floor with the resilient benefits of vinyl. They were also able to select their school colors as the colors of the floor.

Tarkett Omnisports’ gray maple was the best color and design selection for PHS. Gray is one of their two main school colors, and to be able to select a floor with that color as well as the design they wanted was perfect. The floor was finished with red game lines to match their other school color.

In the end, Parsippany High School has a safer, more functional space for activities and sports. Abacus successfully completed this mercury gym floor removal for them and we were able to give them the exact design they wanted for their auxiliary gym floor.

Abacus worked with Parette Somjen Architects to bring this space to life.

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