Our environment depends in part on our ability to give old resources new life. By recycling post-consumer products, we can divert materials away from landfills, conserve energy, and protect sensitive ecosystems from overuse. If you happen to be standing on a Regupol or Padenpor floor, you have a great example of this critical process just under your feet.
Regupol rubber flooring is manufactured with a large percentage of post-consumer recycled material that comes primarily from used tires. Instead of being discarded in a landfill, these tires are transformed into one of the most durable weight room surfaces on the market, providing space for athletes and fitness enthusiasts around the world.
Padenpor and Pulastic gym floors use post-consumer rubber in the same quantities as weight room floors. The resilient base mat used for shock absorption is typically over 90% post-consumer materials. Although it is not visible once the top coat is applied, this recycled rubber pad accounts for most of the flooring system’s profile: in a 7mm + 2mm system, the 7mm is the thickness of the recycled base mat.
Using floors derived from recycled rubber can provided LEED credits for facilities seeking certification from the USGBC. The amount of recycled material varies depending on color selection. If you are interested in specifying gym floors that qualify for LEED credits and embrace resource conservation, contact Abacus Sports for product details.